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APPEAK app for iPhone and iPad

4.0 ( 4080 ratings )
Sports Navigation
Developer: Jan Mohoric
Current version: 1.4.6, last update: 2 months ago
First release : 28 Jul 2023
App size: 114.3 Mb

Doživi pohodništvo na povsem nov način!

Mobilna aplikacija APPEAK je tvoj novi žepni pripomoček, ki ti olajša raziskovanje in načrtovanje naslednjega pohodniškega podviga, ti pomaga priti od izhodišča do cilja po pravi poti, ter ti omogoča, da uspešno osvojene vrhove za vedno zabeležiš v svoj pohodniški dnevnik. Na prvo mesto postavlja dobro informiranost in varnost ter ti pomaga najti pravo ravnovesje med tvojo fizično pripravljenostjo in zahtevnostjo poti.

APPEAK je vse to in še mnogo več, saj lahko:
* raziskuješ čudovit hriboviti in gorski svet
* načrtuješ naslednji pohodniški podvig
* shraniš ideje za izlete za prihodnjič
* izbiraš med številnimi predlogi razdeljenimi v kategorije
* iščeš poljubna izhodišča, poti ali vrhove
* filtriraš po tipu točke, hribovju/gorovju, nadmorski višini, višinskih metrih, času hoje, zahtevnosti in označenosti poti, opremi itd.
* primerjaš poti med sabo
* občuduješ fotografije izhodišč, poti, vrhov, razgledov ...
* spreminjaš pozicijo in izgled (2D/3D) zemljevida
* pogledaš podatke o vrhu ali poti
* preveriš vremensko napoved in opozorila
* poskrbiš, da se ustrezno pripraviš in vzameš sabo vso potrebno pohodniško opremo
* navigiraš od doma do izhodišča
* spremljaš potek poti od izhodišča do cilja
* zabeležiš osvojeni vrh v svoj dnevnik in tako prejmeš digitalni žig
* prejmeš obvestila o razmerah na poteh, ko osvojiš vrh ali, ko je v aplikaciji kaj novega
* izoblikuješ lasten pohodniški profil
* povežeš aplikacijo s tvojim STRAVA računom
* prispevaš k širjenju pohodniške baze z deljenjem fotografij izhodišč, poti in vrhov
* deliš s prijatelji
* ...


Experience hiking in a whole new way!

The APPEAK mobile application is your new pocket tool that makes it easier for you to research and plan your next hiking adventure, helps you get from your starting point to your destination along the right path, and allows you to record successfully conquered peaks in your hiking diary forever. It puts good information and safety first and helps you find the right balance between your physical fitness and the path difficulty.

APPEAK is all this and much more, because you can:
* explore a wonderful hilly and mountainous world
* plan your next hiking adventure
* save trip ideas for next time
* choose from many proposals divided into categories
* search for any starting points, path or peaks
* filter by type of point, hills/mountains, altitude, vertical meters, walking time, difficulty and route markings, equipment, etc.
* compare paths with each other
* admire photos of starting points, routes, peaks, views...
* change the position and appearance (2D/3D) of the map
* look at the information about the peak or path
* check the weather forecast and warnings
* make sure that you prepare properly and take all the necessary hiking equipment with you
* navigate from home to the starting point
* follow the course of the path from the starting point to the peak
* record the conquered peak in your logbook and thus receive a digital stamp
* receive notifications about the conditions on the paths, when you conquer the peak or when there is something new in the application
* create your own hiking profile
* connect the app to your STRAVA account
* contribute to the expansion of the hiking base by sharing photos of starting points, paths and peaks
* share with friends
* ...